Studies on Diabetes show
1. Changing to a Healthier Diet: Scientists found that people with type 2 diabetes
who switched to a healthy diet with fewer calories and healthier foods had better
blood sugar levels. In one study, people who ate a low-calorie diet for eight weeks
were able to have normal blood sugar again and keep it normal even after they
stopped the diet.
2. Eating More Plants and Less Sugar**: Another study showed that people with type
2 diabetes who ate more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains while eating less sugary
and faUy foods could reverse their diabetes. These changes helped their bodies use
insulin better and lowered their blood sugar.
1. Lean, M. E., Leslie, W. S., Barnes, A. C., Brosnahan, N., Thom, G., McCombie, L., …
& Taylor, R. (2018). “Durability of a primary care–led weight-management
intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT openlabel, cluster-randomised trial.” *The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology*, 7(5), 344-
2. Kahleova, H., Fleeman, R., Hlozkova, A., Holubkov, R., & Barnard, N. D. (2020). “A
plant-based diet in overweight individuals in a 16-week randomised clinical trial:
metabolic benefits of plant protein.” *Nutrients*, 12(12), 3625.
These studies show that changing to a healthier diet can help people with type 2
diabetes get better control and in some cases even reverse their blood sugar below
pre-diabetic and diabetic.
Live to studies1.The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 7(5), 344-355.
2.Nutrients, 12(12), 3625.